Heatwave Latest: Holywell "Shower Ban" reaches third week – Warped Wales

Heatwave Latest: Holywell “Shower Ban” reaches third week

The town of Holywell has just completed its third week under the new “Shower Ban” rule set by Welsh Water to combat the heatwave, and reports indicate that locals are fine with it

With temperatures pushing past 30 degrees for much of July, Welsh Water were forced to make some tough decisions in order to maintain the supply of fresh water to the majority of their customers across North Wales and Liverpool.

“It was all about damage limitation”, explained Welsh Water spokesman, Aiden Price. “We identified an area that had a decent sized population, but already had a low requirement for hot running water. Holywell fit the bill. Showers are apparently a birthday present round there, so clearly the need is lower than elsewhere.”

Local man, Marlon, who hasn’t showered at all since the ban was announced, said: “Shower ban? Really? I had no idea. I really should read the papers more”.